NeoR has versatile functional profiles for attaching accessories, with the proven connecting keybolt used as a connecting piece.
A lightweight system that builds on the attributes of its tried-and-tested Modular formwork and a one-sided anchor system are among the latest innovations that have been recently introduced by leading German formwork specialist Paschal.
01 December 2019
German formwork specialist Paschal-Werk G Maier has developed a new formwork solution that combines the versatility of its tried-and-tested Modular formwork with all the properties of modern lightweight formwork.
The new lightweight formwork NeoR responds to customer demands and the current requirements in the construction industry, according to the company.
The product was unveiled at bauma, the world’s largest construction showcase held in Munich, Germany, earlier this year and is expected to be available next year.
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The new system offers customers all the advantages of one-sided anchors. |
The small-size elements of NeoR formwork have a maximum weight of 40 kg and can, therefore, be assembled and moved on site by hand without a crane or other transport aids, says a spokesman for Paschal. However, if the formwork is to be transported by crane, the crane attachments of the Paschal universal Modular formwork/GE can be attached to the side bars of the lightweight formwork, he points out.
“NeoR is characterised by a considerable weight reduction of approximately 25 per cent compared to the Paschal universal Modular formwork/GE,” he explains. “At the same time, the NeoR lightweight formwork boasts significantly higher fresh concrete pressure properties. At 50 kN/cu m, the fresh concrete pressure is approximately 40 per cent higher than with the Paschal universal Modular formwork/GE.”
A further bonus of the new system is the low frame height of only 7.5 cm, which ensures that storage and transport volumes remain particularly low.
NeoR is said to meet all market requirements for a modern formwork system: It can be used universally and is ideally suited for the production of foundations, beams and walls.
“Like its sister models Paschal wall formwork Logo.3 and universal Modular formwork/GE, the new lightweight formwork features optimum element sorting,” the spokesman elaborates. “The 90x150 cm base panel is ideal for the construction of foundations, beams and walls. Thanks to internal tie-points, the panels can be used both vertically and horizontally. A floor height of up to 3 m can be formed with just one extension of elements. The formwork is also supplemented by a 180x300 cm large-size element with which even large surfaces can be quickly and economically formed.”
Due to the small number of tie-points, NeoR saves time and labour costs. “With only three tie-points at a concreting height of 3 m, the lightweight formwork can be used particularly quickly and economically. For tie-point on top (by spacer strap) with the large-size panel at 3 m, only two tie-points in concrete are necessary,” he adds.
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Formwork plans from PPL 12.0 can be presented as a 3D model using the app even on the construction site. |
The issue of height offset was also taken into account in the development of the lightweight formwork. The oblong holes integrated in the frame allow the formwork panels to be offset in height relative to each other.
The connecting bolt known from the universal Modular formwork/GE is used as a light, friction-locked and cost-effective connecting piece. Paschal also intends to offer the possibility of the clamp connection in the future as it is developing a corresponding connecting part.
Another advantage in terms of the flexibility of NeoR is that the lightweight formwork can be simply combined with the Modular system.
NeoR is equipped with cross profiles similar to those of the Paschal Logo.3 wall formwork, which can be used as practical functional profiles for attaching accessories such as the suspending piece for props or the Paschal Multi waler. Also, Logo.3 accessories can be attached to the cross profile of the new lightweight formwork.
NeoR lightweight formwork is constructed with an impact-resistant flat steel frame, ensuring that customers can rely on the product longevity and quality for which Paschal has become synonymous.
In addition, Paschal relies on the renewable raw material timber instead of plastics: the lightweight formwork is equipped with a 12-mm-thick, multi-layered and particularly durable birch plywood panel from sustainable forestry.
Meanwhile, another product innovation introduced at bauma 2019 was Paschal’s prototype for a one-sided formwork anchor system. The new system, which is expected to be launched on the market at the end of this year, offers customers all the advantages of one-sided tie rods.
The tie-points for the one-sided tie rod equipment can be operated by just one person, thus reducing manpower requirements and, therefore, resulting in time and cost savings.
“Because the formwork can be fully operated from one side, it guarantees optimised working even in confined spaces. The new system has the particular advantage of being able to be anchored either on one side or conventionally, depending on requirements,” the spokesman explains.
Paschal relies on standard tension material for the one-sided formwork tie rod. Compared with other solutions on the market, no special tie rods are required, he says.
The spokesman continues: “The cost of the tension material is considerably more favourable than other available systems. Moreover, time-consuming staking of the anchor bars is not required, thanks to the use of standard tension material. The required tubes can be freely chosen and can consist of plastic material or fibre-cement, depending on requirements.”
The one-sided formwork tie rod system is compatible with Paschal Logo.3 as well as Logo alu and has the same frame profile as these formworks.
The Logo wedge clamp and multiclamp are used as connecting pieces and the accessories for the Logo.3 can also be combined with the new system.
“The one-sided formwork tie rod system also boasts intelligent element sorting,” the spokesman adds. “The new formwork is expected to be produced in the height of 270 and as well as the widths of 240, 90, 60, 45 and 30 cm. The system has been extended to include a rigid outside corner post (50x50 cm). The tie-points are designed in the centre of all filler panels, which creates ordered joints and anchors with visually appealing concrete surfaces.
Among other developments from Paschal, the formwork specialist – working with planitec, a Paschal subsidiary and developer of the BIM-compliant formwork planning software, Paschal-Plan light – has created the Paschal AR app to make it possible to present the planned formwork solution in real surroundings by means of a smartphone or tablet.
“The Paschal AR interface integrated in PPL 12.0 makes everything totally consistent from the 3D formwork model across all process steps through to the construction site. The result in the AR app shows the respective current state of planning; this makes formwork even easier and verifiable for the construction management team according to the current planning,” the spokesman explains.
Thanks to the detailed visualisation, the Paschal AR app can therefore be used to illustrate product and user training sessions. It also makes optimal use of the Paschal products and increased safety on the construction site possible.
The Paschal AR app is available for both iOS and Android.