Robust wireless infrastructure is a must for smart cities, but there are key criteria to consider when choosing a wireless network, writes KAMAL MOKRANI, global vice-president, InfiNet Wireless*.

Proper cabling and connectivity is crucial to a data network’s smooth functioning, writes DAVID HUGHES, director, field application engineering, MEA, CommScope*. With the vast amount of data that is being generated, processed, analysed and stored, the first point of focus is often on the technological advancements in software and hardware.

Global technology and engineering company Emerson has introduced a new dual-mode wireless gateway, which supports both IEC 62951 WirelessHART and ISA100.11a industrial wireless communications standards. The latest addition expands Emerson’s Plantweb Digital Ecosystem portfolio and provides ISA100.

Smart buildings are rising in popularity in the GCC but they are also susceptible to cyberattacks. It is, therefore, imperative that preventive measures are taken to protect the buildings and tenants from any threat.
