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Global universities address gender equality, but gaps remain

DUBAI, March 8, 2022

Female students outnumber male students in universities, but there is a significant ‘humanities bias’ for female students, said a research.
Some 54% of students awarded a degree in 2019 were women. However, women tend to choose humanities over science. The share of female students who undertake science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) degrees (30%) is still 24 percentage points lower than the share of female students undertaking arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS) degrees (54%), said research released by the Unesco International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) and Times Higher Education (THE). 
Most universities (83%) track women’s application, acceptance and completion rates or have women´s access schemes, such as mentoring or scholarships (81%). 
However, less than two-thirds track women’s graduation rates compared with men´s and have plans to close the gap. 
The presence of women in the student population does not translate into their presence in academia and university leadership positions. Less than two-fifths of senior academics (professors, deans, chairs and senior university leaders) and less than a third of authors in research papers are women, evidencing a significant gender gap.
Universities also report on institution-wide policies and services that promote gender equality. For example, nine out of ten universities have a non-discrimination policy against women and seven out of ten against transgender people. 
Nine out of ten institutions have maternity and paternity policies that support women’s participation, seven out of ten have childcare facilities for staff and faculty and six out of ten have these facilities also available for students. 
Universities are also actively protecting those reporting gender discrimination, with 86% of institutions stating a policy for this. 
However, most universities were unable to provide relevant evidence of their policies and services that support women’s advancement, suggesting that while certain codes may ostensibly be in place, they are not yet being implemented across institutions, and students and staff may be unaware of them. Universities were asked to supply evidence for 12 indicators on gender equality; the share that supplied relevant evidence was below 50% in all cases.
The report Gender equality: How global universities are performing, marking International Women’s Day, includes worldwide and country-level analysis on THE data across 18 different indicators, as well as case studies from five universities that are leading on this work in their regions.
Acknowledging the progress made by women in societies around the world but aware of the many steps still to take and the new barriers raised by the Covid-19 pandemic, this report reflects on the unique position of universities in society and their potential to help address the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG5: gender equality and empowering all women and girls. 
The first section analyses data directly provided by 776 institutions on their contributions to achieve SDG5 and highlights the often-large differences at regional and national levels. It examines performance in three areas: students, research and academics, and university-wide policies and services.
The second section of the report presents five case studies of institutions from Lebanon, India, Mexico, Kenya and Ireland. 
These universities are actively promoting gender equality within their institutions, with a large range of coordinated actions at strategic, structural and operational levels. This section describes their efforts, policies and regulations, lessons learned and future plans to tackle gender inequality and discrimination.
A second report on this topic will be published in May 2022, including a literature review, more recent data, more in-depth analysis and recommendations for universities.
Key figures: 
*776 institutions worldwide provided data on SDG5: gender equality;
*54% of students awarded a degree globally are women;
*30% of women undertake a degree in STEM versus 54% in AHSS; 
*37% of female students are the first person in their immediate family to attend university;
*83% of universities track application, acceptance and completion rates for female students;
*69% of universities have a policy to address female enrolment rates;
*81% of universities have women’s access schemes, such as mentoring or scholarships;
*64% of universities track women’s graduation rate compared with men’s and have a scheme to close any gap;
*36% of senior academics are women globally;
*29% of authors in research papers are female;
*89% of universities have a policy of non-discrimination against women;
*70% of universities have a policy of non-discrimination against transgender;
*90% of universities have maternity and paternity policies that support women’s participation;
*69% of universities have accessible childcare facilities for staff and faculty;
*59% of universities have accessible childcare facilities for students; and
*86% of universities have a policy protecting those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage.-- TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Unesco | education | universities | gender gap |

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