Phase One will see the setting up of 400-kV overhead lines extending 660 km and five main grid stations.
01 December 2020
Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) has awarded agreements worth RO183 million ($474 million) for Phase One of Rabt Project, which aims to connect the national grid in the north with Petroleum Development of Oman’s (PDO) electricity transmission network and Tanweer network in Al Wusta region in addition to the Special Economic Zone at Duqm (Sezad) electricity network in the Wilayat of Duqm.
Runnning 660 km long, Phase One will see the setting up of 400-kV overhead lines and five main grid stations in Nuhaida, Barik, Suwaihat, Duqm and Mahout.
This phase is being implemented in five stages with the first one linked to the construction of 400 kV grid stations at Barik and Suwaihat and linking them to the PDO network, while the second stage will see the construction of 400 kV overhead lines running 129 km long between Barik and Suwaihat stations and 400 kV transmission lines with a total length of 195 km. The third stage involves the construction of Duqm and Mahoot 400 kV stations.
The scope of work in the fourth stage covers the construction of 400 kV overhead lines running 191 km long between Suwaihat and Duqm stations and overhead lines with a total length of 152 km between Duqm and Mahoot stations, while the last stage will see the construction of the 132/400 kV Nuhaida station.
According to OETC, the project will help connect isolated areas such as Haima, Duqm and Mahoot with the national grid.
Rabt project will link the national grid with PDO network thus enhancing the reliability of the latter as it is currently based on 132 kV voltage. It will also provide secure, stable and reliable electricity to the Special Economic Zone in Duqm as it will connect the Duqm electricity network with the 400 kV national grid, ensuring that the factories and large companies in the zone are provided with their needs of electricity which will further help to attract more investors to the area, provide more employment opportunities and help to grow the national economy.
In line with the government drive to switch to renewable energy, this project will play a key role in achieving the government ambitions of producing 15 per cent of the total energy from renewable energy sources by 2025 by connecting the future solar energy stations and wind farms in Al Wusta region, OETC said.