01 December 2007
Sigma Paints Middle East held a series of 21 technical seminars last month throughout the kingdom targeted at architects and applicators.
The programme, which forms part of its ongoing strategy for technical education and product awareness, targets and exceeds a total audience of over 2,000 every year. It includes six annual seminars for architects, consultants and contractors and 15 applicator seminars.
“Architect/consultant seminar topics have, over the years, covered a wide range of subjects from external specification considerations to quality aspects of coatings,” says a spokesman for the organiser. “Applicator seminars have both demonstrated and provided the opportunity for “hands on” experience of a range of our decorative products.”
Among the wide range of topics selected for architects/consultants last month was one on “External influences on system selection and their effects on performance”.
“In a novel change to his usual format of presentation, Mike Murphy, decorative technical services [DTS] manager, started off by discussing the thought processes and considerations involved in selecting the most appropriate car for a race!!, an analogy which was highly appreciated by this kingdom of car enthusiasts,” says the spokesman.
The kingdomwide seminars were held in Madinah and Jeddah in the Western Province, Riyadh in the Central Province and in Dammam and Jubail in the Eastern Province.
He adds: “The selected main topic for the applicator seminars, which included the promotion of our highly successful applicator training programme, was advanced decorative techniques “Mahogany and Pine wood graining”.
The seminars, inclusive of an application video, were presented by DTS trainers, and were held, not only in the major cities, but also in the more remote areas of the kingdom right from Abha and Najran to Arras and Hafr Al Batin.”
“The overall feedback from our audiences was very positive and appreciative. It was another successful seminar season and a clear victory for teamwork and cooperation,” he concludes.